Harvard Marketing Management Course

During Summer Semester 2016, I enrolled in Harvard's marketing management course. One concept that stands out in particular is perceptual mapping. Perceptual mapping is useful in comparing different product brands across two or more dimensions. Perceptual mapping gives the perception from the consumers stand point, and really allows a company to evaluate their intended and actual brand image. This concept will help students compare a perceptual map and SWOT analysis side by side for a more complete look into where a company stands.

Marketing Management: an overview from the course catalog

"In this comprehensive and practical introduction to marketing management, students improve their ability to make effective marketing decisions, including assessing marketing opportunities and developing marketing strategies and implementation plans. Course topics include market-oriented strategic planning, marketing research and information systems, buyer behavior, target market selection, competitive positioning, product and service planning and management, pricing, distribution, and integrated communications, including advertising, public relations, Internet marketing, social media, direct marketing, and sales promotions. Through a combination of interactive discussions, cases, practical examples, individual assignments, and a group project, the course applies marketing topics to consumer and business-to-business products, services, and nonprofit organizations. Students gain significant experience in communicating and defending their marketing recommendations and building on the ideas of others."

(text provided by harvard university) "Marketing Management." Harvard Extension School. N.p., 17 Oct. 2016. Web. 18 Oct. 2016. http://www.extension.harvard.edu/academics/courses/marketing-management/23217?_ga=1.113257807.990894004.1474339029