12 Ways To Improve Communications Between Your Agency And Your Clients

Making sure everyone is on the same page and aware of the same issues or developments requires more than haphazardly sent memos. It requires organization and commitment from both your team and the client you are supporting. You need to know what services the client needs and what their expectations are, as well as what they think of current progress. They need to understand what your team is developing for them, what the timeline looks like, and why some options were chosen while others were avoided.

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Building Brand Loyalty Requires Strong Customer Service Skills And Fan Involvement

Even if you're getting out the word about your company or brand, what you're saying may not resonate with your customers. Clients can be perfectly happy with the services you provide, but if they do not feel engaged — or remember why they connected with you in the first place — they may not stay. This costs not only revenue but time: If customers leave for competitors, then you need to not only make up the lost income, you need to cover the expenses related to drawing in new potential customers.

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Eight Ways To Freshen Your Brand's Look -- Without Rebranding

The longer you look at your graphics and website, the more you may see the seams and joints: Places where color choices could have been better or stylish fonts that may be looking a little dated now. You know that a full rebranding isn't needed yet, but you want to improve how your brand looks. So how can you do it? How much should you tinker with your visual style and elements? Would it be better for you to focus on updating the content featured on your site or in your social media?

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11 Recent Changes Impacting SEO

Search engine optimization can be seen as a running battle between website design and search engine companies. Sites constantly seek edges to gain (or keep) their first-page rankings, while search engines want to refine what they promote, in order to improve results for searchers.

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Seven Must-Attend Conferences To Learn About Industry Changes And Innovation

Conferences are an excellent chance to meet and network with others in your industry, as well as opportunities to pick up new techniques and ideas. Good speakers provide guidance, sharing stories of challenges they've overcome or highlighting future developments. Discovering what may lie ahead in your field gives you time to prepare, as well as take advantage of the opportunities that the change brings. If search engine optimization is about to change, and you're not ready, you could find yourself losing your place on front pages. If everyone swaps to AI to handle routine tasks, you may find yourself struggling to keep up while using older workflows. Alternately, if conference speakers start making compelling arguments that a particular technology is more fad than function, swapping to the tech while others avoid it can cost you in time, customers and resources.

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15 Ways Your Company Can Salvage Its Reputation During A Crisis

Rumors have been spreading about your company. Perhaps a product has flaws that should have been found before they were shipped, some of the people working for the company are facing ugly rumors or accusations, or your company simply made an error in judgment. Regardless, the brand's reputation has taken a hit and has the potential to spiral into a long-term issue, given enough time.

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Write Content That People Want To Read

Blogging can provide a serious boost to companies or groups wanting to garner meaningful traffic. According to HubSpot, companies that published at least 16 posts a month received 3.5 times the traffic of blogs that published four or fewer posts a month. When done well, blogs offer a chance to show expertise, provide another path to get people interested in a service or product, and can help increase SEO by drawing in visitors.

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Think Beyond Millennials- 12 Ways Your Brand Can Engage Gen Z

According to a Barkley and FutureCast survey, members of Gen Z have very different expectations for interacting with or embracing brands than millennials. Gen Z — teens between 15 and 19 — have grown up in a fully connected world, one that lets them interact with advertising, potentially before a very wide audience. As a result, an ill-timed post or false note could deal a serious blow to an ad campaign.

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