Five Questions To Ask About Your Social Media Audience

Imagine the best possible cut of steak served with a medley of roasted vegetables. Who wouldn’t jump on the opportunity to indulge, right? It’s so easy to say that your target market is everyone, but that’s simply not realistic. On the most basic level, you can exclude vegetarians and vegans from your market. Digging deeper, considering that a good cut of steak at wholesale averages at $18.99/lb., you can exclude people with tighter budgets.

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A Simplified, Four-Step Approach To Instructional Design

My passion for teaching stems from my love for marketing and communication, as I have found that building a curriculum is just like creating a marketing campaign. In both cases, you gather research, develop the best possible product, and assess the results while always keeping your target market in mind to maximize your chances of success.

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Marketing Funnel: Take It One Step At A Time

Have you ever given a friend advice before they were ready to hear it? Chances are, it wasn’t received well. Relationships with your clients aren’t that different. If you build an integrated marketing communications strategy that is specific to the stage of the funnel that your customer is in, it will help you to build a lasting relationship with them. In other words, your ideal customer may be ready to consider your proposal – but only after you earn their trust. In order to do this, you need to respect their boundaries.

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How Podcasts Can Lead To Better Connections With Your Audience

Podcast marketing is one of the most underutilized and unknown forms of marketing, yet ironically, podcasts are what customers have been gravitating towards and asking for over the past few years. Edison Research reports that approximately 21% of Americans listened to podcasts on a monthly basis in 2016.

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Seven Steps To A Better Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy

It's a question that's been asked many times: If all of your friends jumped off of a bridge would you?

From major corporations to small businesses, jumping on a new trend without consideration for the integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy is a common occurrence. Each time this happens, I have a very difficult time not quoting my parents.

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Three Keys To Better Social Media Engagement

In a world that's heavily polluted with information, it's easy for business owners to get overwhelmed with social media expectations. We all know that social media is necessary for business success, but do we know why? In a study from Simply Measured, 60% of social marketers report measuring ROI as a top challenge. How, then, do we convince our CFOs to continue to invest in these channels?

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Using Branded Content to Create Engagement

"It’s not always about you. We learned this lesson as kids, but have we learned it as marketers? Lay off the blatant brand promotions and consider this: Consumers know when you’re trying to sell them something and quickly disengage the moment they realize it." This article digs deeper into the definition of branded content, and how it could be utilized to boost consumer loyalty and engagement.

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