11 Ways To Align Freelancers With Your Agency's Goals

Your team has brought in one or more freelancers in order to help ease the workload. This can be good news, especially if everyone is on the same page on what needs to be done. However, outside staff may not have a full grasp of your company's philosophies or processes, which can lead to deliverables that are sub par or not as envisioned.

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Thinking Of Using A Publicity Stunt For Your Brand?

Publicity stunts can increase the visibility of a company or product, for good or ill. While there have been some notable failures, there have also been plenty of events that have improved a company's standing, such as when Cards Against Humanity raised money to dig a massive hole this last Black

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14 Ways You Can Use Google Analytics To Improve Your Website

Tracking the strength of website design has come a long way from the era of “under construction” animated gifs and text files on URL references. With the advent of tools such as Google Analytics, it is now possible to track how a visitor came across your site, including from offline or internet of things sources, as well as how long visitors stayed, and what kind of content or keywords kept them there.

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Eight Ways To Make Sure Clients Pay You In A Timely Manner

While this is not how most agency employees would choose to spend their time, some have to spend extraneous time ensuring clients pay, as executives have said that it's becoming more difficult for their advertising agencies to get paid. Whether it's a client's confusion about advertising concepts, poor client-agency relationships or other factors, agencies need to ensure they're paid promptly so they can continue providing results. Below, eight Forbes Agency Council members advise how agencies can create compensation models to ensure clients pay in a timely manner.

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The Real Value Of Super Bowl Ads: Agency Executives Weigh In

With about 111.9 million viewers last year alone, the Super Bowl is one of the most watched events annually. But with NFL viewership down this season and a changing advertising landscape, are Super Bowl ads as valuable as they once were?

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Nine Ways To Find The Best Clients For Your Agency

A key to successful client-agency relationships is identifying the right clients from the start; clients should be selective about the agency that is the right fit for them, just as agencies should ensure they can provide and work well with potential clients. From building perfect client profiles to ensuring they fully believe in a potential client's brand or product, nine Forbes Agency Council members share how to better identify the best fits for your agency.

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10 Unique Ways To Generate New Leads

Acquiring clients and generating new leads is vital to an agency's growth and stability. While referrals are always a strong way to earn new business, agency executives also incorporate other strategies into their lead generation, whether that's appearances on popular TV shows or pro-bono services. Below, 10 Forbes Agency Council members share how they've creatively and successfully generated new leads.

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10 Tips For Maintaining Unity When Your Team Is Working Remotely

With advances in technology, it's no longer necessary for employees to all be in the same office every single day. According to a 2015 Gallup survey, 37% of workers have telecommuted and a majority of telecommuting employees report they're just as productive as other employees. But with a reduction of face-to-face time with coworkers, there is potential for company unity and culture to take a hit. Below, 10 Forbes Agency Council members share how companies can communicate well and maintain a sense of unity as employees work remotely.

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Using Branded Content to Create Engagement

"It’s not always about you. We learned this lesson as kids, but have we learned it as marketers? Lay off the blatant brand promotions and consider this: Consumers know when you’re trying to sell them something and quickly disengage the moment they realize it." This article digs deeper into the definition of branded content, and how it could be utilized to boost consumer loyalty and engagement.

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