15 Tips For Creating Marketing Content That Resonates With Customers

Developing your company’s marketing content takes a special skill that builds trust and positions your brand as an authority while avoiding a sales pitch.

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How To Craft The Ideal User Persona For Your Brand

Creating personas for the different users or customers interested in — and buying — your products can be a beneficial way to understand and recognize the likes and dislikes of a consumer group. Every company should take the time to evaluate who its typical (and atypical) customers are and what needs you should target to get their business.

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12 SEO Trends Heating Up 2018

If your business isn't taking advantage of using SEO strategies on its website, blogs and social media pages, you're missing the boat in terms of ranking your business in internet searches. SEO is one of the most effective ways to ensure your customers find your business and buy your products.

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15 Ways To Increase Brand Loyalty And Retain Your Customer Base

Developing your company brand is key to driving customers to your business. The more a consumer resonates with your brand, the more likely they are to buy from you again. Creating this loyal following of customers can ensure continued success and help drive sales of your company’s products and services forward.

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Need Help With Social Media Management? Try These 13 Expert-Recommended Tools

In the modern marketing world, it's not a matter of whether or not your business is on social media (of course it is). The question is which social media platforms you're on, and how you're managing your content.

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Research And Development: When It's Time To Break The Mold

Growing up, the home phone was a permanent fixture that hardly ever needed to be replaced. It’s interesting to consider that keeping up with each iPhone update would mean you’re replacing your phone more often than an average light bulb.

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10 Tips To Navigate The New Google Chrome Ad Blocker

We've all encountered awful online ads in the form of pop-ups, autoplay videos and intrusive banners. As more and more consumers seek to eliminate advertisements from their browsing experience (the use of ad blockers grew 30% worldwide from 2015 to 2016), Google has decided to do something about it: On February 15, the internet giant started blocking any ad from its Chrome browser that doesn't comply with the standards set forth by the Coalition for Better Ads.

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Want To Scale Content Creation? Agency Professionals Share Their Best Insider Tips

Content creation has become one of the primary activities for many marketing and public relations agencies. Whether it's blog posts, newsletters, whitepapers, infographics, social media copy or thought leadership articles, every brand wants a slice of the content marketing pie to satiate consumers' growing demand for high-quality, valuable information.

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Eight Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting A Podcast

It seems there's a podcast for every professional interest out there, from broad topics like entrepreneurship and career advancement to niche subjects like agile development and software as a service. With 67 million Americans tuning into podcasts each month, there's a growing potential to reach your customers through this medium.

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Create And Understand Your Unique Value Proposition With These 12 Tips

Your brand's unique value proposition (UVP) is a critical asset that should serve as the core tenet of your marketing messaging. It tells consumers, employees, investors and other stakeholders exactly what your company offers that no others can. It defines your point of differentiation and explains why you're the right choice to help a customer solve their problems.

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